Thursday, June 3, 2010

ready for vacation already!!!!!

I cannot wait! The kids and I leave this weekend for a two week getaway. Yes, TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!! We are headed down to the coast to Saint Simons Island. My family will be with us the first week and then Michael's family will be with us the second week. It will be nice having them with us because we move the week after we return.

So, here are a few things I cannot wait for:I cannot wait to get sand between my toes,
and more drinks!
and shrimp!

But most of all, I am ready for this:He is meeting us a few days into our trip and he will be done with his year long deployment!!!! Technically he has been gone longer than a year with the train up and all, but I cannot wait to have him back with us! I am so giddy I can't stand it!! Maybe my sleepless nights are because of this? Who knows and who cares?! He's coming home!
And he is already out of Iraq, he is sitting and waiting for a flight in Kuwait!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy EVERY single minute of it! You deserve it and please have a drink for me!
