Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh man, I didn't realize how busy I was going to be with three kiddos!

Tobbie can pretty much fend for herself and get her juice out of the fridge and as long as I keep snack on the counter, she can reach them. She can also dress herself and go potty alone. Awesome! Tristan is like a bull in a china shop. That boy is all over the place all the time! He is all boy! Or so I have been told. The little booger can open cabinets that have the little child lock thing on them. WTF? Darcy, sweet, sweet Darcy. She can smile and hold her head up most of the time.

I had no idea how hard parenting was going to be and how busy I was going to be with three kids. I love it, I really do, but I am at the end of my rope with this parenting gig. We are on the countdown and only about 5 weeks left unto
Mr. Stud returns. And, he will be joining us at the beach! Not for the entire trip (hopefully for the full 2 weeks) but he will meet us there. I can't wait!

I am trying to get my act together to blog more, but children are my main concern right now so blogging gets put on the back burner. I wish it wasn't that way, but parenting alone takes up so much time!

enjoy the new photo up top!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo! And am happy for you that Mr. Stud will be home soon!!
