Sunday, March 28, 2010

Helping Others...

This may not make any sense what so ever, but here goes.

I am not a fan of the new health care reform bill, AT ALL! None of it. I personally feel that health care is a luxury. I know that many of you will not agree with me, and that is A OK with me. These are my feelings, thoughts and I own them.

Why should I or my husband bust his chops to afford health care for our family only to make it easier for others? He shouldn't. Most of you will say, "Your husband is military, you get free health care." Not true my dear friend. We do pay every month just like the rest of the hard working world and, and we pay a when we go see the doc (we just changed everyone from Tricare Prime to Tricare Standard, because we WANTED better care and to get what we wanted, we decided to pay more for it). I am a firm believer in pay for what you get.
I know my mom and I disagree about this and my feelings will probably change when my children are older, Hi Mom!
I don't agree with kids being able to stay on their parents insurance. I feel like it enables them to slack some. Seriously, 26? 26? I was married at age 26! Not that I was some super responsible person at 26, but I feel had I had more help than what I did from my mother, I would have been more of a slacker than what I was. Just sayin' and not meaning to hurt anyones feelings with that.

Now, the whole issue on giving everyone a college education, what is up with that? Not everyone is college material and really, does a car mechanic, hair stylist, cashier at the grocers or city bus driver need a college education? I don't think so. And we need those individuals in our world to make this world go round. We depend on these people and there are institutions out there for the educations for said jobs. I am proud to say that I have made something of myself (even though I stay at home with the kids) without a college education.

Ok, enough ranting! Want to know what brought this on? Some stupid public service ad on Facebook!

Damn Facebook!

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