Monday, January 11, 2010


No, I am not talking about my eating habits that occur at all hours of the night! Tobbie is the one.

When Tobbie started on table food as a smaller child, she loved everything she could get into her mouth. I mean loved food! She was never a BIG eater by any means, but I never had problems getting her to eat or try something. I always bragged on her about this. Well, we now don't eat ANYTHING! And mean, ANYTHING!!!!

I don't know what to do. I have yelled, screamed, locked her in her room, broken plates over it (stupid, I know), I have tried bribing her, offering her chocolate if she would eat, nothing works. We start seeing a new pediatrician next week and I am going to discuss things with the new doc. I mean, I don't require a clean plate or anything, but the kid won't even take a bite of food. You can put a plate of food in front of her and she will look at me and ask for a snack. WTF? There is food in front of you!!!!!

So, no more stressing, begging or bribing. She can have what is put in front of her or not eat at all. It will be her choice. I am also cutting out snacks in between meals if she doesn't eat her meals. And juice and milk are going to be limited as well so she doesn't fill up on those.

I know this may seem harsh to some, but I can't let my kid grow up eating only a few select things. And I completely understand that not everyone likes everything, but you don't know that you don't like something until you have had it like 15 times, and your tastes change what, every 7 years or so?

I am also keeping a food diary of what she consumes so I can keep better track of it. This is going to be hard on my part, but if I truly want to help her and to help her grow, then this is something that needs to be addressed. I want to be able to show her new pediatrician exactly what she eats so she doesn't think I am exaggerating.

So, accurate food logging, here we come! This is for her own good, it is to help her grow strong and healthy. NOT a way for me to enforce my CONTROL over her. Her little body got such a rough start, she needs all the nutrition she can get and she isn't going to get it from saltine crackers or chocolate or gummie snacks. I just want her to be healthy is all. I don't want her winning a hot dog eating contest either! :)

And to add, at 4 years of age, she only weighs 26lbs.

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