Since my mother has left, Miss Tobbie has been very trying (nothing against you mom, she just got super attached to you, which is a wonderful thing). The person that called it the "terrible two's" needs to be shot because we are only into week 3 of being 3 years old and OMG! She can make my blood boil! After a nice long talk with my mom, she reassured me that it will be this way for the rest of my life (thanks!), which reminded me of something she once said. "I hope you get paid back times 3." Now, I don't know if she was meaning I would be paid back by the child's age of 3, 3 trying kids, or 3 girls (which will not happen, only room for one more in this family, unless it is twins). She told me to stock up on Kleenex, I will need it for the rest of my life. Motherhood is tough!
Happenings this week:
Tobbie learning to ride her bike
Tistan doing what he does best (hasn't he gotten chubby?!?)
Tobbie refusing to sleep in her bed (she can also climb over a baby gate now, she does wonderful PLF's)
Friday Night Fun (Lincoln Logs) I don't think I ever played with Lincoln Logs as a kid(I wasn't deprived, I just didn't have the patience). Look, I built the Big L Ranch and then Tobbie and her My Little Ponies came trotting through and tore it down.
A new thing I am trying: FlyLady It's cool for you to be jealous of my shiny sink!
And lastly, my new FAVORITE!
Now I need to finish getting ready for the day!
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