Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time Outs & Locks WORK!!!

Ha ha ha! Time outs do work! Persistence is all it takes. I would rather spend the time to correct some of that bad behavior now than when she is a teenager. Make sense? It's not like I am asking her to construct a crane out of paper (that would be origami). Tobbie is smart enough to know to not scream at her mother at the dinner table and when I tell her to NOT do it again or she will go to time out, she understands that too. Anyway, enough on that.

Bedtime battle won last night. Michael put a new door knob on Tobbie's door (one with a lock) and he put it on backwards for me. I know some might consider this cruel, but when your child scales a baby gate at the top of the stairs during the night, you have to consider her safety as well. So, after 5 minutes of crying and knocking on her door last night, a little princess went and got into her bed and fell fast asleep (she should have, she hasn't slept in almost a week!). She did just wake up at 0600, but I can so deal with that. I get up early anyway.

She is a well rested little one

this is for her safety

Another awesome tidbit, check out this little guy. He slept ALL night (well, until 0530, but that counts)! I can't believe I slept for 6 1/2 hours straight last night. I haven't done that in MONTHS!

Gotta go and do some Flylady chores!

1 comment:

  1. We just used a white child proof door cover. I looked at it this way: When they slept in a crib they couldn't get out. So, as long as they are in their room where it is safe why worry. We only had to do it a few times. Soon, the boys went to bed with the door open. I just always had to remember to take it off once they were asleep b/c I didn't want them locked in if there was an emergency.
