Thursday, April 30, 2009


Boo, Michael leaves on Saturday morning. I'll deal, but it still makes me sad. We had both sets of parents and grandparents and his cousin Jennifer and her family over for dinner tonight for all to say their goodbyes. My fear is what effect this will put on Sweet T. I know we will all come out fine, but she is so attached to daddy right now. Alright long deployment, bring it on and hurry up and get here December 2010.


  1. It is going to be tough, but I know you can do it! I will say that keeping a daily routine was a big help. I kept photos all over the house and made a special "Daddy Book" for JC during the first deployment. One of the hardest things was realizing that while you want to talk to her about her dad she may not want to talk about him b/c it may just make her too sad. We talked a lot in the beginning and then I waited for the boys to ask about their daddy b/c if he called or I mentioned him they'd flip out. Each kid is so different though. You might be surprised to find that Tobbie will continue to be that strong girl she always has been.

    Lastly, I tried to have fun things planned to do, and it gave us something fun to talk about and look forward to. It made the time pass quickly. Oh, and a Build A Bear. We had voice messages from Zach put into the bear's hands and they made them at the store together.

    Thinking of y'all!!

  2. Oh, that sounds so hard. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this....maybe, and hopefully this is all over sooner than you think and he'll be home before then! I'll keep you all in my prayers.
