Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday Best

Whatever happened to Sunday Best? You know, as in clothing? I have started taking the kids with me to church since we have moved. NO, lightening didn't strike nor did the church burn down when I walked in! I figured that since Tobbie is going to a church pre-school, that maybe she would like going to church, and she loves it! Anyways, it has changed a LOT since I last attended a service. I understand that each place of worship will have its own flavor, but OMG people, you are wearing jeans, jeans!

Maybe I grew up in a ultra-conservative church, but you didn't wear jeans to church. You also didn't clap your hands while you sang hymns or said "Amen" out loud. Mom, I know you are reading this, could imagine this going down at Bellevue?

I am enjoying the sermons so far, and the pastor seems nice, but he talks about people at the pulpit! Part of me is thankful that Michael hasn't gone with me yet because he would have a field day with that one. He could care less about going to church. He says that it is just a bunch of hypocrits trying to make themselves look/feel better by going to a service once a week. He says he can worship on his own at home or in the woods. This pastor would prove his point exactly.

Wait, a thought just came to mind. Have I become a little liberal? Michael seems to think so. He claims that by me using my "green bags", really, they are the color green, to shop with, that I am liberal. WTF? He is so silly.

Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest. As for me and my children, we will wear our Sunday Best to church, even if people do stare at us for dressing up.

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