Saturday, June 27, 2009

Swim Lessons

Ok, we didn't exactly learn how to swim during our two weeks of swim lessons, but Tobbie did learn how to tread water and she can bring herself up for air. That has to be pretty darn hard when you don't have an ounce of fat on your body and you just sink!

The beginning of lessons started out a little rough, she just wanted to play and not pay attention, but hey, she is only 3. At the pool they have a slide and at the end of each session, the kids were allowed to go down the slide (that is all my kid wanted to do). Eventually she overcame her fear of jumping into the water and by the last day, that was a major thing for her to do. All in all, I am pretty proud of her.

Umm, except for the day that we had to leave early because she hit me, the instructor and then splashed water in both of our faces. Since Daddy is gone, I will blame that attitude on him and I am sure he would say differently.

Enjoy the cute videos!

coming down the slide

the tantrum we had in the pool

Miss Shannon throwing her up in the air

jumpin into the pool

and this is Tobbie and her little friend Jena going down the slide

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