Thursday, May 21, 2009

House Happenings

Ok, it's been a while. Here is a re-cap of our house happenings:

Tobbie had her annual opthamology exam. All is good, except her left eye is starting to wander ever so slightly. I think it is so slight because only the doc and I notice it. Isn't she cute in her old lady dialated eye glasses?

We had Uncle Corey's 20th birthday

We made gifts for Tobbie's teacher for Teacher Appreciation Day

Tobbie has decided that she likes to drink her juice out of a wine glass

Tristan can sit up!!!!(don't mind the background, that is the upstairs craft/storage room)

I had Wine Club at the house this past weekend and the wine of the month was Viognier. And yes, it has a very high alcohol content!

And lastly, we have a mouse, not in the house, but running around outside around the house. Here is my attempt to catch him

and he outsmarted me

And Tobbie fell asleep at the dinner table with food in her mouth!

so the score is


1 comment:

  1. Why wasn't I invited to wine night?!?! Tobie is super cute in those old lady glasses!
