Sunday, May 31, 2009

Major Party Foul

Sweet T had a MAJOR party foul last night while out to dinner with some friends. I got her a virgin strawberry daquari and they did it up cute with fruit and umbrellas. Well, I had her and Tristan both sitting in my lap when she turns the drink over, in our laps! Tristan was screaming because it a frozen drink thrown on him, it's all in my crotch, down my legs, and Sweet T got this tiny little spot on her knee. Talk about sticky. We have all recovered and unstickied (is that a word?) ourselves.

We also had a garage sale yesterday at our house. My mom came out and helped, and not just with the sale. She was so wonderful and helped me with the inside of my house! I've been neglecting my floors and then trying to get ready for the garage sale, my house was a disaster. Thank you Mom, I love you!

Oh, Tristan has a lot of lessons to learn from his Mommy. Our friends (my best friend of 16 years) has a precious little girl named Olivia that is just a couple of months older than Tristan. Well, he has the hots for her, he has ever since he met her, and he took her a flower last night. Well, he tried to EAT the flower. My son is a brute and will eat ANYTHING! So, he has to learn to not destroy his dates flowers and to not be a piggy when out to dinner with them!

1 comment:

  1. UH OH!! One that turns drinks over and one that eats flowers! You've got your hands FULL!!
